The basic law of Nature explained by so many scientists, Positive attracts Negative and North Pole attracts South Pole in case of magnate. Then how can we ignore this law for human being. As Negative attracts Positive, human behaviour is also explained by this law.
As we have seen in past most of the successful personalities are result of crisis, they faced problems. But the basic difference was the way they see the world was different from others. They see a problem an opportunity and those persons had great attraction power that they thought about problems (Negative) then they got ideas to grab that opportunity (Positive).
कोई अगर किसी को रोकने की कोशिश करता है तो वहा उतना ही आगे बढ़ता
If you criticize anyone then you think that you are great but when that person get charged with energy (Negative energy attract Positive) then he will surprise by his efforts but he must have that level of thought process and state of mind to do it.
There are enormous examples which explain the same; Japan became very successful after nuclear attack by US. Germany also developed because other countries made it do so, and Hitler was result of same. Dirubhai Ambani is also a great example, many people tried to stop him but nobody succeeded and he become more and more powerful and achieved which people cannot dream.
So always search for the problems and see them as an opportunity that will lead to success. For example If someone say that you are good at nothing and what will you do in future, then it is an great opportunity that you have so much to achieve and nothing to loss and take it as a challenge and do something very special which he cannot even imagine.